Facts To Consider Regarding Delta-8 Tetrahydrocannabinol
The best delta 8 cartridges products are made from the highest quality ingredients, including all natural and organic compounds. They are also available in a variety of concentrations so that you can find the right product for your needs. Here we take a look at some of the best delta-8 products on the market today.
A few years ago, it was easy to get the buzz on with just about any type of cannabis. But now that there is more regulation and testing involved with getting THC into your system, the best delta-8 products have become much harder to find. This is because only those companies who produce pure CBD will be allowed to make THC products. So if you’re looking for an effective way to get your buzz on, look no further than these top delta-8 products.
Delta-8 Cannabinoid Concentrates (CBD/THC)
Delta-8 has been around since the early 2000s. It’s one of the first brands to use whole plant extractions which means that it contains CBD and THC together as well as other cannabinoids such as CBDA, CBN, CBC, THCA, etc. This allows for a wide range of options when it comes to dosage levels. You’ll want to check out the concentration of each product before purchasing.
Some companies sell their products diluted down to 0% potency, but you don’t need to do this. Since they contain both CBD and THC, if you choose to dilute them down, you’ll be missing the full benefit of CBD. The best delta-8 products contain anywhere between 20%-70% THC and 30%-60% CBD.
If you can find a company that sells delta-8 concentrates in a spray form, that would be even better! Sprays are handy and simple to use, and will allow you to get your desired dose without having to measure.
Top Delta-8 Products
- PureKana Premium THC Concentrate – $40-$50
PureKana is one of the most popular brands of delta-8 products on the market today. Their Premium THC concentrate has a 60/30 ratio. That means that it contains 60% THC and 30% CBD. Because it contains CBD, it won’t get you high. This makes it perfect for anyone who wants to avoid feeling anything while still getting the benefits of THC.
- Greenway Botanicals CBD + THC Oil – $45
Greenway Botanicals’ CBD plus THC oil is another option you should consider. This product has a 70/30 ratio and contains CBD and THC separately. It’s not diluted at all, making it ideal for people who prefer to take a full scoop of their concentrate.
- Vapexcess CBD + THC Oil – $52
Vapexcess is another great option, especially if you like vaping. They offer an 80/20 ratio which is perfect for vapers. Their CBD and THC oils are combined by a third party lab to ensure that they meet FDA regulations.
- Green Way Botanicals CBD + THC Wax – $80
Greenway Botanicals offers its CBD and THC wax in two different ratios. One is 50/50 and the other is 65/35. If you’re someone who prefers to dab or otherwise apply it to your skin, go with the 65/35 ratio. If you’re interested in using it via vaporizer, go with the 50/50 ratio.
- Cannacure CBD Oil – $35
Cannacure CBD oil is one of the cheapest options on our list. It has a 60/40 ratio. It’s not diluted at all and, therefore, it’s perfect for dosing yourself.
- Dabcon CBD Oil – $25
Dabcon CBD oil is a great choice if you’re looking for something that you can use via either dabbing or vaporization. It comes in a 1 oz bottle and has a 55/45 ratio. It’s definitely worth checking out if you’re new to THC dabbing.
- Dabco CBD Oil – $33
Dabco CBD oil has a 75/25 ratio and comes in a 2 oz bottle. For the price, you really can’t beat this product!
- GreenWay Botanicals CBD + THC Flakes – $90
Greenway Botanicals offers its flakes in three different ratios. All of them have CBD/THC percentages of 40/60, 45/55, and 50/50. You can also purchase them individually.
- Kanna CBD Hemp Oil – $25
Kanna CBD hemp oil is an excellent choice if you’re looking for a quick fix. It has a 35/65 ratio and can be taken orally or applied directly to your skin. It’s not recommended for children under 18 due to its high concentration of THC.
- Greenway Botanicals CBD + THC Shatter – $95
This shatter is an absolute must-have for any serious dabber. It has a 95/5 ratio and comes in a 0.75 oz bottle. As mentioned above, this isn’t recommended for children under 18 due to its potent nature.
- Kanna CBD Hemp Oil – $35
Kanna CBD hemp oil is a popular choice among medical users. It’s designed for oral consumption and has a 25/75 ratio.
- Kanna CBD Hemp Oil – $15
Kanna CBD hemp oil is a great choice if you’re looking for a quick fix. It has a 35/65 ratio and can be taken orally or applied directly to your skin. It’s not recommended for children under 18 due to its high concentration of THC.
- Green Way Botanicals CBD + THC Butter – $75
Green Way Botanicals butter has a 70/30 ratio and comes in a 4 oz container. It’s perfect for dabbers.
- Green Way Botanicals CBD + THC Gummies – $85
These gummies come in five different flavors and have a 65/35 ratio. Some of the flavors include Strawberry, Vanilla, Chocolate Truffle, Cherry Limeade, and Orange Cream Soda. They’re designed to be eaten via dabbing.
- Green Way Botanicals CBD + THC Jelly Beans – $100
Green Way Botanicals jelly beans have a 70/30 ratio and come in four flavors. These include Watermelon, Lemonade, Raspberry, and Grapefruit. They’re designed to be eaten via dabbing.