How To Get Your Ex Back – Steps to know

Okay, so you are wondering how to get your ex back, right? Well before I go any further I want you to know that it is totally possible to get your ex back even if the situation may seems hopeless to you right now. It may be hard to believe but don’t dismay because your life is about to change for the better.

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Right now, you may feel like the world is on top of your head and that is totally normal when you are going through a serious breakup. The thing is, your ex is also going through the same situation. This is kind of good news for you because it gives you some level of confidence that you can get back together with him/her again. So let’s cut the chase and get straight to the point on how you can go about re-uniting with your lover.

The first thing you need to do is Relax. Yes, it may sound a bit simple but it is true. You see right now you are panicking and you may do something that can jeopardize your chances of getting back with your ex. For example, your gut feeling maybe telling you to call him/her and pour your heart out. But guess what, that is a big “No No”. Another thing that you may feel like doing is to send your ex countless text messages saying how much you are sorry and want him/her back. Again, that is a big “No No”.

You see while it is ‘OK’ to feel sorry especially if you are responsible for the breakup, there is a right and wrong way to go about expressing your feelings. In the above two example, you can see that if you do them you will appear needy and and only push your ex further away.

So what can you really do to get your ex back?

Start by focusing on yourself. Yes you need to get a grip of your emotions and stay strong. Just remember you and your ex is on the same level and you are not looking pity from him/her. You don’t want your ex to feel sorry for you and take you back. Your aim should be to blow him/her away like you once did when you first met. That means, you should take note of how you dress, if possible get some new clothes, work out and just do a complete make over.

The second thing you need to do is to initiate the reunion. The reason for this is you don’t want your ex to assume that you have moved on. You could invite your ex to a casual lunch or dinner or just a friendly meeting. At this meeting, you don’t want to seem to easy. By that I mean you should play a little hard to get. Remember at thing point you are looking fantastic and your ex will find it hard to keep his/her hands off you. However, just flirt with him/her a little bit and make he/she want more of you.