What Are The Common Facts About Stomach Flu?
Stomach flu is a contagious viral disease that causes severe stomach pain, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. It can be fatal if left untreated.
The symptoms of the common cold include runny nose, sneezing, sore throat and cough. Other signs and symptoms may include headache, fatigue, muscle aches and pains.
Influenza is caused by an influenza virus. Symptoms of influenza include fever, chills, body aches, coughing, nasal congestion, headaches, loss of appetite, tiredness and sore throats. In some cases, influenza patients may experience more severe symptoms, such as chest congestion, shortness of breath and respiratory difficulties.
This article explains how to treat these illnesses. If you are suffering from one of these diseases, consult your physician for proper medical care.
Facts about Stomach Flu
In 2014, there were approximately 36 million cases of stomach flu in the United States. The CDC reported that children aged 5-17 years old account for most cases of stomach flu, with the number of cases increasing yearly. Children between 1-4 years old accounted for the second highest number of cases.
Stomach flu is spread through direct contact with infected individuals or objects such as contaminated food and water. It is also spread through droplets produced when people who have the virus cough, sneeze, talk, laugh, sing or cry.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the H1N1 strain was responsible for almost every case of stomach flu in 2009.
A person’s chances of getting stomach flu increase if they are exposed to someone who has it. This includes living with someone who has been diagnosed with stomach flu, touching surfaces where stomach flu germs are located, eating foods prepared by someone who has stomach flu and traveling to areas where stomach flu is prevalent.
There is no cure for stomach flu. However, there are several treatments available to ease symptoms including pain medications, rest, drinking plenty of fluids, eating small meals and avoiding alcohol and tobacco products.
Treatment for stomach flu includes taking medicines for relief of pain and discomfort and treating any underlying health conditions. Antibiotics, antihistamines, decongestants and pain relievers are some examples of drugs used to treat stomach flu.
How does stomach flu affect the gastrointestinal tract?
Gastrointestinal tract is made up of the esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine and rectum.
The gastrointestinal tract is involved in digestion, absorption of nutrients, excretion of waste, blood circulation and immunity.
When stomach flu enters the digestive system, it affects the entire GI tract. The virus attaches itself to cells lining the gastrointestinal tract and then destroys them. As a result of this destruction, fluid leaks into the intestinal lining. This process leads to inflammation and irritation of the lining of the intestines which results in abdominal cramps, diarrhea and other related symptoms.
Gastroenteritis is mainly known as inflammation which is caused inside the intestines of our stomach. This inflammation is mainly caused by some common virus or the food and water which we intake includes some pesticides and bacteria and the last cause which may happen from the side effects of medicines. So these are the all reasons behind it and if you want to prevent it then be careful.
Factors that cause stomach flu
There are multiple factors that contribute to the spread of stomach flu. Some include:
Contact with infected persons
Touching contaminated objects
Eating food contaminated by stomach flu
Traveling to areas where stomach flu is prevalent
Exposure to polluted air during periods of high levels of pollution
Being around smokers
Being around those who smoke
Being exposed to viruses through aerosol sprayers on public transportation
Drinking polluted water
Having an infected pet
Factors that prevent stomach flu
Several factors help prevent stomach flu, include:
Hand washing before preparing food and after using the restroom
Washing fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating them
Refraining from being around sick individuals
Avoiding eating raw eggs, unpasteurized milk, meat and poultry
Not smoking
Limiting alcohol consumption
Avoiding contact with pets
Preventive measures against stomach flu
Taking preventive measures against stomach flu will reduce the risk of contracting the illness. These include:
Covering mouth and nose while coughing and sneezing
Washing hands frequently to avoid spreading germs
Keeping home and office environments clean and germ free
Avoiding sharing food items and drinks
Avoiding crowds and social gatherings
Using disinfectant cleaners and sanitizers in restrooms, kitchens and offices
Cleaning and disinfecting toys and furniture regularly
Regular hand washing with soap and warm water
Wearing disposable gloves when handling food and cleaning
Avoiding using aerosol sprays and misting devices in public places
Getting regular checkups at healthcare facilities
Consulting doctors and seeking treatment promptly if stomach flu occurs
Treatments for stomach flu
There is no single cure for stomach flu. However, there are several remedies available to relieve symptoms associated with the illness. Some include:
Pain medication
Diarrhea medication
Antihistamine medicine
Probiotic supplements
Oral rehydration solutions
Antiviral medicines
Vitamin B6
Cough syrup
Cold compress
Ice packs
Hot baths
Steam inhalation
Aloe vera
Tea tree oil
Zinc oxide
Lemon balm
Dandelion root
Chamomile flower
Pine bark
Apple cider vinegar
Raw honey
Mint leaves
Baking soda
Some of these remedies have been proven effective in helping treat stomach flu. For instance, probiotic supplements such as Acidophilus have been found to aid in recovery from the illness.
Home remedies for stomach flu
There are several natural remedies available to treat stomach flu. Some include:
Apple cider vinegar
Cayenne pepper
Alkaline diet
Some of these home remedies have been found to work effectively against stomach flu.